Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
![]() Inspired by a blog I read recently - The Top 10 Poisons To Keep Away From Your Kids, which had information, but not so much of a survival guide. It gave you the what but not the how. So I thought I'd mention a few things that I'd been thinking over for a while about getting by in today's busy, modern world. Vaccines were one of the top things mentioned in the article, and I would like to say here that this isn't something that I choose to advise clients on, although my belief around pretty much every decision we make is that it needs to be an informed choice. There are pros and cons to both sides of any argument, some of which aren't highlighted often. There are many books, webpages, there are now documentaries you can watch and see other sides of a long argument and make a more informed decision. It's not an easy decision to make, or at least it wasn't for me. What I do find reassuring though, is that there's lots can do to minimise negative reactions to them e.g. using homeopathic medicines, certain supplements to help eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation. You may choose to be supporting the gut with certain foods and probiotics. Negative reactions to vaccines can and do occur and they seem to be swept under the carpet by the medical establishment, but there are ways to help support the body should these happen. CEASE Therapy is another system that has worked well for helping over toxic systems to return to a better place of balance. Working with homeopathy, isopathy, and orthomolecular medicine, it's another option that may help support patients if this area appears to have been challenging health-wise. Foods were mentioned in the article - I find in this area it's easier to avoid issues (although label reading makes me feel like a neurotic mum but I get over that and get on with it). I remember reading years ago how MSG was linked to Motor Neurone Disease aside from many other issues - and there is no need for it in foods anyway... I'm not sure who or what is driving the current trend towards 'no added sugar drinks' - honestly, give me sugar over these sweeteners any day (I may be the only one so make your own choices) but I aim for no sweeteners in drinks (those handy to pack fruit shoots are a no-no here). Freshly juiced drinks can be a wonderful alternative - and the kids can get involved (and the big kids) in creating crazy concoctions. Maybe to start with stay pretty simple - a 2 apple, 1/3 lemon base is a good start to then add other bits gently into - try strawberry, or carrot and see where you go from there. I'm going to have another juicing/smoothie session coming up soon so shout if you'd like to come along for some ideas ([email protected]). You can also add sparkling water so no one feels like they're missing out (OK almost anyway). Organic foods are my preference, and I would say these are probably dictated by availability and individual budget. Buy the best you can with the budget you've got (and check out the dirty dozen and clean fifteen for more ideas). Making your own instead of processed food. It's easy - although admittedly more time consuming - but a great investment. We choose to stay away from animal products which was for health based reasons after reading The China Study. The whole thing is well worth a read, and less arduous than I thought it would be (I put it off for ages), but in case you're tempted to leave it too, there's a cheat sheet here - If you want to eat and drink animal based foods, then I'd definitely go organic, grass fed wherever possible, and also cut down on consumption to where you can. It's easier than ever to buy natural cleaning products and I would choose to do this over add toxins to your home. It's slightly less easy to make them - although many can be fairly easily created - I am aware that the 'just whip up some natural window/toilet/shower cleaner' might be the straw that breaks the natural living commitment's back - so take it easy and buy clean cleaners to start with. Have some 'good house plants' around - spider plants are easy to care for requiring minimal attention and apparently doing a great job of getting rid of toxic substances in new houses and ready build furniture. We try and have one in most rooms. Some toxins need to be taken, for example, my sister has been on a hefty cocktail of chemo drugs for a brain tumour. And she has been able to help her body deal with that using homeopathy, along with other therapies. She sailed through radio - to the amazement of the medical staff around her, again using supportive therapies. There are many things you can do to make 'harder' times that bit easier and help to minimise side effects. ![]() Have a watch of Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot here, where he talks about how he helps patients minimise side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments, using homeopathy. This is a system I've opted to use with people. My preferred choice in working with anyone is that homeopathy is used as part of an integrated system. Having an 'either/or' approach is often not helpful, and it's my preference to be a part of a team, not a solo practitioner. Get the wifi switched off - especially at nights. I think we're doing a whole experiment in constant radiation at the moment, and the way our direction of health is going, I'm not sure I'd be volunteering to stay in it til the end. At nights our body has the space to help repair damaged tissues and this is important healing time. We're also more susceptible to it then it appears, so especially if you've small children in the house, but really for anyone - switch off at night.
Don't go crazy over this stuff (I tried that last year and it really didn't help me) - I think it can really hard to negotiate your way through - even sometimes the yogurt aisle (no Nestle (obviously I've been boycotting them for years ever since their formula milk debacle in Africa in the 90s), no dairy, minimal packaging (and make sure it's recyclable)... and sometimes you may just have to recognise this is the world we live in and that's how it is. So be kind on yourself whilst trying to figure out a way through, seek help and make sure you remember to go barefoot now and again and dance around the kitchen whilst you cook (your organic, whole food, plant based dinner with coconut oil (from sustainable sources of course) no GMOs, MSG and aspartame)... Thanks for reading - and do get in touch with any queries or comments, With love, Em x
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AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |