Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
Well... Pretty much like anyone else really. To date I've not had anyone sit in my consulting room in a morph suit. But time will tell and I've only been at it for nearly 8 years. The Travelling Homeopaths Collective have, I believe, treated fairies, knights and everyone between in their work at festivals around the UK. Often people come to see me because they've sought other treatments (sometimes for many years) and not got better. This could be from blood disorders, ME, autistic spectrum disorder, anxiety and depression, headaches, menopausal or other hormonal imbalances, chronic catarrh, hayfever, eczema, asthma. Well the list goes on... And as to a typical age? I see pregnant women, newborn babies up to 90+ year olds. So what's typical?! Anything, anyone, from any walk of life. If you'd like to find out more I'm always happy to chat homeopathy, or any of the other things I do too! Have a great day, With love, Em x
Just a quickie blog (it is bedtime after all...) to say if you've not seen it it's worth a watch. Not that all vaccines are wrong, not that all big pharma is wrong, not that all GMOs are harmful but an educated opinion from some lead vaccine researchers, ex executives of Big Pharma companies and the like. And I'm all for that. Education can equal informed consent to me. Without an awareness of as big a picture as possible how are we informed about anything?! So that's me done. My quickie blog for tonight. If you're local I've a copy to lend out. If not the website has more information here: With love, Em x It's homeopathy greats birthday season! With Kent on the 31st and Hahnemann's coming up on the 10th, we've another illustrious homeopathic birthday today! Yes, Jeremy Sherr is 60 today! In good company - although the best bit for me (obviously) is Jeremy's still here - we can celebrate with him! It was 2010 I saw Jeremy speak for the third time and was incredibly drawn to the work he, Camilla and their team of volunteers do in Africa with their NGO Homeopathy for Health in Africa. Since studying Dynamis with Jeremy, I've been involved a little on the sidelines doing occasional fundraising, and am consistently impressed with their energy, passion, compassion for people and excitement for what homeopathy can do. More about their project here: So without further from me - wishing Jeremy a very happy 60th birthday today! If he's made a difference to you, your practice or your patients through any of his teachings, a wonderful opportunity to say happy birthday and thank you would be to donate to their project. The NGO is self funded by Jeremy and Camilla as well as from donations from the likes of us. ( Better yet, if you'd like to set up a regular donation, $10 a month (around £6) means they can plan ahead and budget efficiently. This way they can know what's to use and really be able to make a consistent difference to people's lives. With love and thanks for reading! I know however you wish to join in, whether it be in donations or simply being thankful today, it'll be appreciated! Em x PS Sending huge birthday wishes to Jeremy for a fabulous day (and many more years ahead making a difference to so many) x |
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |