Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
I’ve had some really interesting conversations with people whilst away on holiday and wanted to share more here. Maybe the tides are turning or maybe I’ve spoken to the right people; it’s been fascinating for me. I talk to students and often there’s a fear of saying we work with homeopathy, there’s been so many times we’ve been attacked in the media and people at times repeat what they’ve seen or heard from The Guardian or other papers discussing homeopathy in a negative light. A colleague, on encountering negativity, asks what someone’s experience of homeopathy has been. Frequently it’s not been a direct, personal experience, but one passed on from reading/watching something. Anyway, my experiences in the first 3 days of our week away couldn’t have been further from that. First up was the artist from London who asked what I did and then told me that she’d been brought up by naturopaths, and how when bringing her son up (he’s 27 now) she’d used homeopathy to support his childhood illnesses. She’d had a kit which she used, in conjunction with support from the homeopath. She also had recurrent tonsillitis which the homeopath had used Merc (not the only remedy for tonsillitis - the symptoms must match) to treat the symptoms and she went on to describe the way they together addressed the cause of the recurring illness for her. No more tonsillitis. Then an Occupational Therapist from Warwick who when I said I was a homeopath nodded and said ah yes, you’ll see all age ranges with that work and we chatted for a short while about work and life. We shared a mini bus trip with a family from Norway. She told me, after asking what I do, that 6 years ago she’d had viral meningitis and used several alternative therapies including homeopathy to get back on her feet again and return to full strength. Last night at our bus stop, we got chatting to a someone from Italy who had not one but two PhDs who told me she had used homeopathy; she was ill at one stage and saw a Dr who was also a homeopath, finding it very effective. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many conversations in a short space of time with as many people who were homeopathy users (outside of a homeopathy college or conference experience), happy days! The week continued in the same vein. I've just a couple more accounts for you if you wish to read on... Whilst away, we used the Helios Homoeopathy 36 remedy kit for too much sun, insect bites, headaches and more. On the penultimate day of our trip, we were chatting to a waitress in our hotel, and after asking how she was she mentioned her head and stomach didn’t feel good. I said I hope she felt better soon. ‘Mum, go and ask if you can help her, she’s so lovely and you could give her a remedy.’ Ah, from the mouths of babes (or teens) and all that. Back when I graduated I’d have been running after her asking if I could help; now I’m far quieter about it, but my daughter was right, she had been super lovely and if I could help it would be fab. So I went to ask. With the help of another waitress to translate we talked symptoms, I asked questions to clarify, and gave a remedy that felt to match what she was experiencing. She was so grateful and they insisted on giving us a drink from the bar each (I did tell them it was someone else’s kind idea to help). The proof is in the pudding, a remedy can sound great on paper but doesn’t always help, in which case you need may need to change remedy or potency but to re-look at what’s going on and adapt to suit. I said I’d pop in in 45 minutes before we went into town. We called in, she told us she felt great; her symptoms had cleared, we discussed again when to repeat if needed and that was that. At dinner on the last night, we ate with a mum and daughter we’d met a couple of days previously; another conversation in a super positive light about homeopathy and the potential of it. It's not just the fact that I had positive exchanges with the people I chatted to, but also that everyone I spoke with about my work knew what I was talking about instantly which surprised me, even with my pigeon translation of the word 'homeopathy' into Greek or Italian. I have never, in a series of interactions with strangers, ever encountered so many people who not just were interested and open but aware and often had used it before. Loving the chats, loving hearing others' experiences of it. And loving that I'm now back to work and ready to spring back into action. I've just one space left for a new client consult in July - 20th at 12.30pm, then it's into August. More info on the image below: I hope you have a lovely summer - and if you're heading away, don't forget the fab little blue kit from Helios, or the green one from Ainsworths! With best happy wishes Em
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |