Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
There's lots of negativity I see at the moment about one of my great loves. Well, actually if I set my mind to it, there's a few things going on around my greatest loves. But for now I'll keep it simple. And as it so often happens it's usually really all one and the same anyway. Have you ever noticed that? You have a few separate issues but when you actually sit with them, are listened to, really heard or have that space by yourself, really all they are are reflections of the same picture. So for ease I'm sticking with homeopathy. I'm mostly fine about people being opposed to my opinion. Healthy amounts of skepticism, in my opinion anyway, are healthy. And I was absolutely there. I thought my grandma was crazy. She used to throw the doctors antibiotics (those essential life saving medicine thought the 12 year old me), in the fire and get these tissue salts from the health food shop and use them instead. Madness. And somehow, life changed me. My own experiences and those I saw around me, they changed me. I'd love to turn the clock back and talk to my grandma about her decisions to not vaccinate my dad after his bad reaction to the first vaccine he has. I still ponder if his fantastic ability to throw a really good fever is in some way related to the lack of suppression of his immune system at an early age. But time ticks on and I know the facts but no longer the lady at the centre of the stories. And when I did know her it was too early for me and too late for her. Goodness, midnight memories and tangent time. It must be a time for rememberings as tonight I'm struck by my maternal grandfather's guidance and thoughts on buying office machines. The story goes that he was visited in his council offices by two salesmen. One sold the good points of their device whilst the other spent all their time highlighting the downfalls of the other machine. My grandad's decision? Apparently to go with the salesmen who was positive. He didn't want to listen to the stones being thrown. So back to the homeopathic (or indeed any) negativity. All well and good but surely time could be better spent? I want to use my time to promote what I love, live the life I love and let the rest pass. Let it wash. Let it be. With love, light and beauty of all those we love and the truths we hold dear. To seek our own truth and leave others to live theirs. Blessings, Em xxx
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Homeopathy is so oft confused, misunderstood or missed out as an option that I thought maybe it was time I said a little more. Homeopathy is not aromatherapy (therapeutic use of essential oils), not herbal medicine, not massage. What it is, maybe is harder to explain! It is a holistic form of medicine, looking at the person as a whole. Hippocrates reportedly said that it's more important to know about the person who has the disease than the disease that has the person. And so it is in homeopathy. It is used by over 500 million people worldwide and is, according to the World Health Organisation, the second most used form of medicine in the world. The first? Indigenous herbal medicine. What it is too is time after time, successful at helping people, adults, babies and animals improve their health. It is helpful in plant use too, in assisting recovery here too from dis-ease. What is has become for many, and for myself included, is a system of medicine worthy of extensive study, constant refinement and so much passion. If you'd like to know more about how it could help you then feel free to get in touch via email or phone. Or through the contact form on the website. With all good wishes, Em x I had a treat of a walk yesterday and instead of heading out into the bleak winds and rain for a run, I opted for a stomp in the woods. The autumn colours were divine and so beautiful to be out (albeit still raining, pouring down really at times, interspersed with really big drops where the leaves had been creating super-raindrops). And the trees? Well I think I learn so much from them. They're in a constant cycle of change and apparently without resistance. The leaves bud, grow, flourish, turn brown and fall. They winter the hard times and then start all over again. And again. Year after year the cycle continues. Making chlorophyll when the sun shines, and resting whilst it doesn't. Rooted firmly in their beliefs, just being, with a wise, quiet presence. And moving with the changes all the time. Having the flexibility to adapt where they need to and go with the flow. Which brings me to the river. I'll save that for another time... And for now will be like a tree and leave ;) Have a wonderfully flexible day, With love and light xxx |
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |