Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
First day of my holidays! First meal of my holidays? Yup, ice cream. And chocolatey ice cream at that. This one is worth sharing. Telling you about anyway, not sure I'm going to actually share it with anyone... 4-5 pre frozen, chopped bananas 2 cups blueberries 1 dessert spoon carob Blend until smooth. And now to pack... Wishing you a happy, healthy summer x
My journey with mindfulness has been an inward one, not always an easy one and not always bright, shiny and fun. That said, it's been incredibly positive, wonderfully unfolding and so very helpful. I pondered this morning over what had changed in me. Wiser? Hmmm not so sure! But calmer, happier, more resilient and feel more like 'me'. I think I laugh easier, skip more and bounce back from knocks speedier. I'm more in the moment and bless people more. As a journey, as a process, it's been an incredibly worthwhile one to walk. Oh yes, I've a few more books too! I'd recommend anyone who'd like to know more to check out the Absolute Specialists Focussed Mindfulness course. I'm opting in for another year and looking to gain a supervisor qualification. Looking forwards to the adventures! With love and blessings, em x Hmmm. I wondered if that'd catch your attention?! It's exactly what I said today. And they really did. Now before you decide I've gone all self congratulatory and OTT, I'd best explain a little more. I was having a thermal imaging scan on my breasts to get a baseline of what they're usually like. 3 months ago, feeling an ususual lump and some tenderness I decided to opt for a thermal imaging scan. Results came back OK although there was definitely a little more heat activity than may have been optimum but all low risk. Today, interestingly, having made some lifestyle shifts over the past 3 months (unintentionally in terms if relation to this), there was no unusual heat activity. My breasts did indeed look amazing. Beautiful, healthy breasts. I would readily recommend anyone to check out thermal imaging as a process to use in terms of monitoring health, getting an insight into your body and what's happening with the heat patterns, which can often show changes before they result in pathology. I went to the clinic in Liverpool but Rosa travels all over the country and so is worth checking out if she'll be near to you. Their website is: and personally I'd be there over a mammogram anyday. But that's just me. Have a look at their site, get a copy of their film The Promise and decide for yourself. With love, em x #homeopathyhour which runs on a Monday evening from 8-9pm is shaping up into a really lovely place to hang out.
There's lots of info shared, links, tips as well as networking and chat. It's a really friendly group of regulars and we have new and experienced homeopaths. We usually have a theme (which I DM people on the Sun/Mon so you've time to have a moment or two to think about it in advance if you like and as a reminder) and we've got some great guests coming up in the weeks ahead too. If you'd like any more info feel free to get in touch. But do come and play out. New participants are always welcome and even if all you do whilst you find your feet is retweet posts then it's a great start and your followers get to see information they may not have seen otherwise. One of our regulars said 'This is great fun folks! A very informative space, to chat and exchange. Come on over and say Hi, and be part of the homeopathic community out there!' And another 'Yes, highly recommended if you’re on Twitter… And a good reason to get onto Twitter, if you aren’t already...! .... Great subject and although I am usually a regular, I may not be free to join in tonight, but I will stay tuned... I would encourage everyone on this group to join in, no matter where you are in the world ! 8pm UK time.' We've just run our 14th session and I'm really enjoying my involvement. It's brilliant to be able to chat with a group of like minded individuals about something I'm incredibly passionate about. And to know we're getting more positivity around homeopathy out there into the twittersvere. I like that too. |
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |