Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
Inspired by an image a wise friend shared this morning, I recalled the feeling I had as I was giving birth. A powerful sense of connection to all women before, during and after my time. A fierce, compassionate, warrior energy. A deep knowing, awareness that it could not be other than thus. I have no idea where it came from, and plenty of times I have forgotten it, and yet this morning that sense awoke within me again. Thanks to Paddy! And that feeling rising within me also reminded me we're not just solo tapestries, we are woven together, intimately connected to each other. Connected in ways many of us don't think about on a daily basis. Whenever I see coffee I think of certain people, at times I recall our trip to Tanzania in 2004, of the people who supported that trip both in Tanzania and from the UK, the animals we were lucky enough to see, the food we ate, who harvested the food, made the drinks, transported everything, those who flew us there and back, the others on the planes. The homeopath who packed the kit I took with me - the homeopath who designed the kits before they sold the idea to Helios... so many connections before I've even really started to properly think about it for long. We are a beautiful, interconnected, messy mess of beings, exquisite in our differences, dependent on each other for aspects we rarely ever consider. Thank you for being a part of my beautiful, interconnected, messy mess - I am grateful! As the wisest bear out there said: “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” I'd add, and more connected than you'll ever know. We've a pear tree that was a dwarfing stock 'ideal' for a container, which grew in there for a few years and then developed a fungus on its leaves. I reached out to a plant homeopathy chap and got advice - which I tried to follow but was super complicated tbh! - I don't think most plant based homeopathy is that hard to follow, maybe our tree was special, or I was rubbish at following the instructions. Anyway, not much changed (but I think that may have been on my part) and my partner after reading Finding the Mother Tree and Entangled Life, decided to plant it near some other trees. Two years in and the tree has never looked so well. Which has made me ponder if putting a tree in its own little house (or tub/pot etc) and then creating connection for it, what does it really do for so many of us? We may be more connected than ever via our technology, but we're also the most medicated we've ever been. Most mentally and emotionally struggling. Loneliness is a major issue, and been shown to contribute to depression massively. Beatifully, interconnected, messy - and I believe it nourishes us so much. With love, connection and gratitude, Em x
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |