Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
![]() It's coming up to almost two years since our beautiful family horse decided it was time to move on. Tonight on twitter I saw a tweet from the vet who I consider as starting my whole homeopathic journey so it got me thinking. Kara our Czech Warmblood mare had developed uveitis, which it transpired was recurrent for her. Conventional treatment was steroid injections into her eyelid, which I'm sure you'd guess, wasn't possible without an initial sedative. Every 6 weeks. And, as a precaution, she used to head into the field with her 'half pirate' mask on, a modification of a racing mask that meant her eye was able to be shielded from bright sunlight (or there was the total blockout mask that meant she could still go out and graze whilst having the attacks). Not a huge barrel of laughs. With pretty limited conventional options mum took it upon herself (she's a fabulous researcher), to investigate. And chanced upon Chris Day, a veterinary homeopath who works in the south of the UK. Following this lead further took us to a more local practice, a week of homeopathic remedies given to Kara. Not knowing what to expect we waited. And waited. And when she died 15 years later I guess we were still waiting for anything to happen. Cured? Remission? Healed? Do they all mean the same thing? I don't know the answer to that. But I do know she never had to have steroids into her eyelid again, we relegated the pirate masks to the tack trunk and she enjoyed life to the full. We used homeopathy on and off for the rest of her life, although towards the end after developing Cushing's disease and having ended up (not totally sure quite how but she did) on conventional medication which nearly was the end of her, we were pleased to restart remedies on a more regular basis which again served her well. I love that our horse started my homeopathic journey. I love that my first ever experience of homeopathy blows the placebo effect out of the water. And I love that I am able to say thank you for the first seed of homeopathic awareness that was sown for me (I've thanked him tonight).
![]() My own journey into Homeopathy began in 1995 when my horse was diagnosed with an 'incurable' recurrent eye disease resulting from, we think, an injury. Conventional treatment consisting of injections into her eyelid every 6 weeks meant she had to be sedated to do this wasn't a lot of fun for anyone involved. We began, or rather, at the time my mum, began to look at alternative options available to us - at this time conventional options were limited to the injections, and we'd also sourced a 'pirate hood' (adapted racing hood to have a full blinker on one side) which meant she could still go and play out instead of having to stay indoors until the atropine wore off if she was having an attack. Several to many enquiries later we happened upon Towerwood Vets who are alternative practitioners - conventional vets who've then added Homeopathic training, Acupuncture etc to their work. David Saxton one of their Homeopathic vets visited us and then sent remedies which Kara was to take for a week. Conventionally we were told that she's 'in remission' however to date having had no attacks of uveitis for the next 17 years until her death - I was happy with the remission status. |
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |