I've listed some common Frequently Asked Questions below. If your query isn't answered, I'd love to help - just get in touch.
Can I get in touch in between sessions?
Sometimes I ask people to feedback in between so we can tweak things if needed. You're always welcome to get in touch and report any changes or other things you need to mention. If there are acutes or situations you want some homeopathic help with you're fine to give me a shout. Generally I look at this as inclusive of the costs of the sessions. If you're a regular client and I'm making a remedy in between for you which could incur a cost I may suggest you 'pay it forward' and don't give me the £5 or whatever. Get a drink for someone else or do something kind going forwards for someone. It's always great when you surprise pay someone else's bill, or put a bit towards it, or get someone an unexpected plant or bunch of flowers - at least I think so anyway.
How many sessions will I need?
It's difficult to know how many sessions someone will need, initially I'd be looking at at least a first appointment and 2 follow ups so then you can start to have an idea of how things are going. Some people stay for years and dip in and out as needed, others have chronic health issues and we may meet more regularly, whereas others will just go with the first three sessions, do well and not need to return.
Can homeopathy help everyone?
The short answer is probably no, though I'd like to be able to. A study conducted at the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital showed that more than 70% of people approaching them for homeopathic care were better or much better after seeing homeopathic practitioners there. I estimate my success rates are similar, though I do need to have some time to do a practice audit and be more scientific about my approach to answering that question. I've also included more details below...
How do I book in and what days are available?
It's pretty simple, I'm still a paper diary girl so it’s just a case of emailing or picking up the phone once you've decided you want to book in, and making the appointment. My clinic sessions generally are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8am-3pm and one Saturday a month. I am happy to do some sessions outside of these hours, so if you’re unable to make these timings, give me a shout and we’ll see what we can do.
I’m happy to have a short chat (generally up to 30 minutes) with you so you can ask any questions and see if it feels like we’d work together well. There’s more on the pages ‘Are we a fit?’ and ‘I believe...’ that gives an insight into this area too.
At times there can be a wait for new appointments. I restrict my client numbers somewhat so that the people I already have on my books can be in touch if needed during consultations. Some don't need to at all, but for some, say if they're going through more complicated scenarios or others, for example with young children, the support between appointments is important to be able to offer. If I get too busy I'm not able to be there properly for the people I'm working with. So if there's a bit of a wait, it's so that I can fully be there for you when you are working with me.
I do supervise students from two different colleges (North West College of Homeopathy in Manchester and the School of Homeopathy in Stroud). I'm currently working with students who are using online means to consult with clients, as well as seeing people in person locally to themselves. If this is of interest, I can happily pass on details - this way it would mean I oversee the case and am there on hand for supporting them supporting you. This is also at a lower cost than seeing me directly (new case £50, follow up £30).
There are also other homeopaths nearby that I'm happy to pass on details of - usually if I'm too full and someone wants to come sooner I often mention Jenny Haworth and Nicky Whitehead from Ilkley Complementary Therapies, or Abby Caskie and Kath Needham are also fabulous and local to me.
Tell me more about costs?
The topic of money... It's something I really struggled with for some time - charging for doing something that I love. My standard fees are £130 for my first session, which can last 90 minutes to 2 hours, and £70 for a follow up which lasts between 30 minutes and an hour in general.
Many people charge more than me, some charge less and right now, I'm happy with where my fees are. They may still be slightly on the low side for the hours of training I've put in, and hours I may work on the case, but for me it's hugely important that homeopathy is affordable to people. I've done the single mama dance and know it can be hard, so where money is an issue I am happy to accommodate where possible. I think that homeopathy should be affordable to everyone, and as whilst it's no longer available via most NHS services, I feel I have to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. If you're struggling financially but want to see if homeopathy is for you do feel free to have a chat about what might be OK for you to pay and we'll figure it out.
Do you charge the same for child appointments?
In short, yes I do. Some practitioners charge differently and I pondered it, and recognised that I can do just as much work on a child's case as I do on an adult's and at times support in between may be more intense. What I do do though is if several people (adults or children) are seeing me from the same family, at the same time, is charge £75/hour of my contact time. So if the appointment lasts for 90 minutes I'll charge £112 for the session.
What does the appointment itself look like?
I was working virtually throughout lockdown, but I already offered this option for several years, and find it works well for me and others in general. It means people can work with me from a greater distance. People travel to see me from surrounding cities and towns such as Leeds, Manchester, Settle, Keighley, Bradford and more, and of course from Skipton and surrounding villages, but if you're further away then virtual consultations can be a great solution.
I continue to do a lot of my work online, though I also work from two locations in the picturesque village of Embsay. It's not great for public transport access, though some people walk from the train station in nearby Skipton (approx 40 minute walk) and others combine the trip with a walk around the village or around our local reservoir which is a easy 20 minute stroll (parking on site). Parking is easily available. One of the spaces I work from has flat access so if accessibility is important, this may be helpful to know, whilst the other is accessed via steps.
I have an intake form, which I'll email it to you ahead of time. Ideally you get this back to me at least 24 hours before our consultation or bring it along on the day if we're meeting in person.
Once you're there (online or in person), seated and comfortable (or in the case of a restless child, just doing your thing and content), we start the conversation, which can last, as mentioned above on average between 90 minutes and 2 hours in the first instance. I want to know what you'd like me to be able to help with, if I can, but I also want to know as much as you can tell me about your way of being in the world - what it's like to be you. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, that sort of thing can all give an insight into which of the 6000+ homeopathic medicines might be suitable to give to you. We have a fair amount of choice! Which is both a challenge and a joy at the same time, but you may have realised by now that we're working with you as an individual instead of you as a health condition. The remedy will be matched to the whole person, with the condition; not just for the condition, which can sometimes be a more conventional medical way of looking at dis-ease.
Sometimes it may feel like there are some odd questions being asked - we do want to know lots and I think the homeopathic consultation is one of the few places where there is no good or bad. How you feel is how you feel and it's great to be able to explore this without judgement.
If you're bringing your child, virtually or in person, they don't need to sit still, if we're consulting online, they don't have to be there all the time. Sometimes, particularly in a case of a non-verbal child, I'll get sent a video of the child so I can get a sense of them. I'm never going to make anyone sit uncomfortably if they'd rather go and play. I think parents are often surprised at how much the child seems to enjoy the homeopathic process - and the medicines are very easy to take too.
What you will be able to do?
When I was young, fresh and hugely enthusiastic I thought homeopathy could change the world, my world, your world, everyone's world. Now I'm old (well, 46 but I was 28 when I qualified so it feels like a while ago), I am slower on the promises. I don't know if I'll be able to help until we get started really. And then it's a case of the proof is in the pudding, I can be convinced we're onto a great remedy that will work brilliantly for you... then it's not what I expected. Sometimes things need tweaking, remedies need changing, the strength of the remedy needs changing, it's not always straight away.
What I do promise now, is that I'll do my best to help. I may take away your notes to work on them, I may buy books to support my learning to help you as best as I can and I am constantly learning how to do this role to my best ability. I frequently attend seminars, webinars, travel for great teachings and am very pleased to be working hard on how to do this better all the time.
What do you intend to do?
My aim is always to help as much as I can, in the least possible time duration. So to get you better, back on your feet quickly. I'm a an optimist and will always try to have you better as soon as you can be. It's also a two way process and sometimes things take time. I don't want to be the expert - you are the expert to you, but if I can perceive a homeopathic remedy that meets where you are, then this can have a big impact. As a patient said recently in a follow up about the response for her daughter... 'it's magic - I don't want to use the word miracle, but it's incredible what those 3 little tablets can do'. We can get flak for using the 'm' word. Some don't like the word magic as it has resonance with trickery, but for me? Well, before I was fully qualified I'd call the tablets 'magic tablets'. My daughter used to ask for a 'magic tablet' - and the number of times I've heard it from patients... well plenty of times. When you can have a melting away of symptoms that have affected your life, changed your lifestyle, impacted on you in a huge way... that's pretty awesome.
That said, it's not every time. A brilliant medical homeopath I was studying with recently addressed this very issue and talked of how approximately 30% of her cases there is that moment of a huge impact from a remedy, other times there is much help, though perhaps a slower process to get there but not that absolute 'wow', that said a slow and gradual improvement in health can also be celebrated. We aim high and are always looking for that brilliant change, resolution of symptoms - emotional and physical. All the homeopaths I know well spend time and money studying to become better at our craft. It's a lifetime of work and study and I'm grateful to be engaged in it.
How do you do it?
I use a variety of tools and aim to keep up with new developments in the homeopathic world. This means a lot of studying and thankfully, for me, that suits me well. I was always self motivated at school, wanted to learn, and that's continued. I am utterly fascinated by homeopathy and the results that you can see from these little white tablets, these drops of homeopathic water. So studying is a beautiful gift - and it means that I can ideally do my job better to help you more.
We have many, many books - and computer software that help us after I've spent time listening to you, gathering the information that is important for you to share and for me to discover and I'll work on this, either in the consultation space or away from it if needed. I'll then give or send you the remedy that I feel best suits what's going on for you - and with clear instructions on how to take it for you as an individual.
How do I take the remedy?
Generally if you're taking a remedy in tablet form it's advisable to take it in an empty mouth, let it dissolve under your tongue and don't eat or drink for 15 minutes before or after taking the remedy.
That said, my first experience of using homeopathy was seeing our horse take the pills - to make sure she got them we dug out a chunk of carrot, placed the remedy in it and gave it to her. She (as most horses would) happily chomped it up, swallowed it and was done. So, with food, someone else touched the remedy... I've reflected on this many times since and see how robust remedies can really be. The option conventionally - to remove her eye to get rid of her eye disease - wasn't all that attractive hence us discovering homeopathy. That's a whole different story and mentioned elsewhere on the site. So I don't worry (if I'm taking the remedy myself) if I've touched the tablet or I've eaten by mistake. Others are more sensitive but my feeling is these remedies are pretty remarkable and can withstand much more than we may think.
If it's a water based remedy it's slightly more complex, but mostly I'll ask you to shake the bottle - or bang against something such as your palm for 5 or so times. Then take 3 drops and put into approximately 30 mls water and drink - swishing around your mouth in the process. Keep the same glass for your remedy - usually you're using water based remedies on a daily basis but they are also great to use when needed or say several times a day or week depending on what you're going through.
I'll give you clear instructions on how to take whatever is prescribed for you.
What then?
So then you sit with it, notice changes. Sometimes we don't notice, if things say seem to melt away, I've seen people who return and tell me that nothing changed - but then you ask about the debilitating headaches that used to confine them to their room for days at a time and you get a 'oh them? I don't get them anymore'. Other times no change means no change, or some shifts but not as much as you'd expect from a well matching remedy. It depends on the response as to what our response will be - we may repeat a remedy, wait a while or change the remedy - in the case of the latter back to the books...
How long would treatment take?
That's a difficult one to answer and depends what you're looking for help with. I'm not a great saleswoman type - I think if I was I'd say you needed to come weekly for years. My plan is the opposite really. I want to help you recover rapidly, gently and permanently. High aims - and those stated by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. I've seen it happen. Not every time and as I said above, I can't - and don't guarantee anything - except that I'll try to help as best I can. There is a theory that goes around that how long you've experienced the complaint in years then it may take that amount of time in months to resolve with homeopathy. It gives some idea, though I've seen people recover faster - and on the flip side there've been those I've been unable to help.
As a seminar teacher once said, she doesn't give up - and I share the same feeling... people can decide to stop, try elsewhere or abandon homeopathy. I will at times recommend other therapies to either work alongside or try for a while instead, but I won't abandon people. I will work with you, walk alongside and work on your case, studying areas in more depth that may help and be there as long as you want me to try and help for.
What's a good response to homeopathy?
I see that as potentially life changing. Sometimes it feels like putting on a pair of different tinted glasses - you get to see the world in a whole different way. As some clients have said...
'After treatment I didn’t have any symptoms – for the first time in years! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend – very professional and friendly service.’
'Was much easier to function on a day to day basis, sometimes life just keeps throwing things at you and felt it was really dragging me down and often telt at the edge of despair. Still throwing things at me but feel much more able to deal with things and look after myself by getting more rest, eating etc. Brilliant, would definately recommend. If I hadn't gone to Emma I would definately be back on antidepressants.'
'I was being treated not for my 'condition' but for myself. Far and away the best 'medicine' combined and integrated into a lifestyle.'
‘5 months ago a friend asked me to make an appointment with Emma to try & help with my daily headache problem. But, I'd always had headaches & I was resigned to it being my lot in life, in fact, I'd been told many years before by my GP that I just had to learn to live with them. So, in a very negative frame of mind I booked my first session. 2 hours, no way, it would all be over in 20 minutes & I'd be on my way home. Then, I met Emma. 20 minutes turned into the allotted 2 hours & things had been shared that I never thought I would be able to discuss with anyone, ever. I left the first meeting feeling lighter & just a tiny bit optimistic. Over the last 5 months I've been on a journey, with Emma guiding me along the way. When my headaches were down to 2 or 3 a week I was very excited and happy, but Emma wasn't ... we were going for zero tolerance ... and with trust, chat & lots & lots of laughter we have finally got there!!'
Several years ago when I was first getting to know my partner, he asked me what homeopathy was. I had just driven back from a busy few days in the Weston-super-mare area and been at a seminar in Bristol all that day. So whilst on our way for a moonlit river swim, he popped the question - 'what is homeopathy, really?' 'Can we do this another time I suggested, I'm really tired'. 'Of course, we've loads of time', was his patient response. So I sat with that, and for the first time, my analytical, thinking brain really gave up and I responded something along the lines of:
'It's the most amazing thing I've found and can be totally life-changing.'
'Oh wow, tell me more...' and so it began... Instead of my usual attempt to explain the laws of homeopathy (I'll write another page on that soon), and its 200 year history etc. Who hears about the history of antidepressants, of aspirin when you're prescribed it? And yet I'd felt for years I had to explain how it works, rather than what it can do.
It is one of the most incredible things I've encountered and has me hooked. I am totally inspired by the potential of what it can do.
I think that's all I wanted to say - if you're reading this and you think there's areas I've not covered, answers I've not given I'd love to hear from you as I'd like it to be a comprehensive guide to working with me. I'm on [email protected].