Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
![]() I've not shared a case before on my blog and thought that this was a lovely one to illustrate the beauty and grace of a remedy that worked well for a client. Details are shared with full permission of the client. Client first sought treatment for heartburn in November 2013 and requested I do food intolerance testing using kinesiology. It didn’t matter what she did, if she ate or didn’t eat, it was there all the time. There was no regular pattern to it although some foods do seem to exacerbate the problem – alcohol, spices, tomatoes, chocolate and cake aggravate. Mint doesn’t help. She drinks a freshly made juice every morning and always eats melon or fruit before instead of after a meal if she’s eating them. Generally sticks to alkaline foods. Has the occasional dairy in cheese and quite a few eggs. She tried taking Nux Vom from a first aid kit for a while but didn’t ease. Food testing using kinesiology showed some sensitivity to: corn flour, buckwheat, millet, cashew, sunflower seeds, green lentils, chickpeas, green pepper, chilli, cocoa, pineapple, cod, prawns and house dust. Client returned in December 2013 having cut out all the foods we’d mentioned and did feel better for it, but still found the heartburn comes and goes. Mostly though now what’s left is a burning, acidic taste in the back of her throat. Stomach feels a bit not normal – upside down – sometimes feel could be quite sick, quite nauseous really. The acid reflux is felt in the back of throat, less of a sensation in chest than previously. Seems to settle and then for no reason start up again – no pattern at all. At this point I suggested we look further at it from a homeopathic approach – some improvement is good but I felt there was more room for greater health here. When it all started I was having to sort out selling mum’s house. I find it very difficult to go and see my mum – I go two to three weekly, my sister goes more often. I find it hard to deal with seeing how she is (mum has dementia and is now in a nursing home). Before then I was a lot better – mum was living at home although that was a stressful period of life. I was up and down the road 2-3 times a day – desperate phone calls from her. Now she’s in the home she’s not mum anymore. That’s the only stress I’ve got. Mum had dementia but they wouldn’t give the diagnosis then my husband went bankrupt at a similar time. It probably all goes back to then. Maybe coming now as can deal with it all. I had IBS many years ago after having the children and had to be careful what I ate to sort it out. Every now and again stomach went. Stomach would ‘flip’, a sickly feeling, and feeling at the back of my throat. Probably no worse than others but is frustrating and I want to be well. I think everyone thinks I’m a bit quirky, bit eccentric, veggie. Probably quite selfish, look after number one. Care about family, very family orientated, I adore my grandchildren, all 3 of them. What would husband complain about? That I’m argumentative, always right. I’m very much an outdoor person, get claustrophobic if inside. Like outdoor spaces. If I travel it’s always to the sea, the Scorpio in me – I need to be by the sea. Some place where I can walk the dogs. What’s the Scorpio like for you? Determined – if somebody does something to me will forgive but always remember. Don’t like falling out. Have a temper although I’ve calmed as got older. I do play things close to my chest – probably don’t talk about things as much as I should. I couldn’t go to see a counsellor and pour my heart out. If I cry I like to be on my own – if ill I like to be alone, don’t like people fussing around me. Fears? Ending up with Alzheimer’s at mo. If memory taken away. Fear old age and ending up like mum. Had tinnitus for donkey’s years – in 70s saw Status Quo and was right at the front. Couldn’t hear! Seen too many bands. Ears get clogged up with wax too. I enjoy life – what I have I spend. Lost 3 friends this year, it makes you think. Nursing was all I ever wanted to do – now I won’t go near hospital and doctors. If I had to I would but don’t unless need to. I have the usual aches and pains – back pain between shoulders, right shoulder a knot in at the back too. Massage and Bowen therapy helps. My throat is better for eating and cold water and worse for hot water. I sometimes get a cough for no reason at all – a tickle in the back of my throat and once start I can’t stop. Warm person – occasional hot flushes from time to time. Quite happy in own company – not like to be completely on own. Enjoy own space as book club and friends, quite happy on own too. Very rarely sit and do nothing, usually find something to do. Food preferences – eat loads of fruit, snack on nuts. Did like chocolate although not had since here last. Rx Nat Mur 200C split dose. This remedy was prescribed for the individual client based on both her symptoms and other descriptions as told within the case. Follow up 9th January 2014 Well it’s been brilliant! I knew homeopathy worked but even I’ve been quite taken aback. Over Christmas I’ve been appalling with food and it’s been fine, although wine and ginger have set it off. Excess fruit does seem to start it off at times. I knew it would work. It really has, been away with friends and although pretty careful but couldn’t believe how good it was – even the odd glass of wine was absolutely fine. Nothing like I’d had previously. It was about 10 days after taking the remedy it started to ease off. My cough settled as well. I haven’t felt as well as this for ages. Even had a piece of Christmas cake last night that went down fine. My aches – I’ve been walking every single day up into the fells and been absolutely fine. One occasional it couldn’t seem to clear up – I took some Nat Mur 30 and it settled. Dreams – had quite a few vivid ones but can’t remember just now. And the tinnitus although still there it’s not quite as bad as before and I’ve lived with it for years. Rx no remedy prescribed - return if needed. Mid-February 2014 I contacted the client to see if I could write up the case to share and she told me things are still great – if she has junk food it occasionally sets things off but generally all is well and she’s feeling good.
1 Comment
3/25/2014 09:58:54 pm
Hurray people, something awesome just happened few days ago. My wife who has already divorced me came back.... All special thanks to Priestessmunak@ gmail. com, a spell woman with a difference who help me bring back my ex wife in just two weeks she is a great spell witch she can grant any help in any kind of problem, She is honest and does what he says she will do, She gave me much confident when i met her and she did bring my wife back..
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AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |