Thoughts on the world, homeopathy, mindfulness and food...
A collection of blog posts - feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments - I love to have feedback - thank you!
#homeopathyhour which runs on a Monday evening from 8-9pm is shaping up into a really lovely place to hang out.
There's lots of info shared, links, tips as well as networking and chat. It's a really friendly group of regulars and we have new and experienced homeopaths. We usually have a theme (which I DM people on the Sun/Mon so you've time to have a moment or two to think about it in advance if you like and as a reminder) and we've got some great guests coming up in the weeks ahead too. If you'd like any more info feel free to get in touch. But do come and play out. New participants are always welcome and even if all you do whilst you find your feet is retweet posts then it's a great start and your followers get to see information they may not have seen otherwise. One of our regulars said 'This is great fun folks! A very informative space, to chat and exchange. Come on over and say Hi, and be part of the homeopathic community out there!' And another 'Yes, highly recommended if you’re on Twitter… And a good reason to get onto Twitter, if you aren’t already...! .... Great subject and although I am usually a regular, I may not be free to join in tonight, but I will stay tuned... I would encourage everyone on this group to join in, no matter where you are in the world ! 8pm UK time.' We've just run our 14th session and I'm really enjoying my involvement. It's brilliant to be able to chat with a group of like minded individuals about something I'm incredibly passionate about. And to know we're getting more positivity around homeopathy out there into the twittersvere. I like that too.
Well to a screen near you (really near - if you're reading this then any moment you could be meeting them)! What are you doing still reading this? Watch the fab video below instead!! And that's not all!! Yep - there's more...
Have a watch, and give me a shout if you've any questions about how homeopathy might help you - I'm always happy to chat!
![]() #Homeopathyhour How it works 1. HASHTAG. The hashtag symbol '#' in a tweet is what enables tweets from different people to be grouped together and to show up in a Twitter search. 2. HOW TO JOIN IN. To see what people are saying during #Homeopathyhour, go to the search box on Twitter and type '#Homeopathyhour' any time between 8pm and 9pm on a Monday evening. 3. WHAT NEXT? Click on 'All' to see all the tweets. 4. JOIN IN. To add your own message, compose a tweet about your business, blog, books you’d like to mention or event etc, making sure you include '#Homeopathyhour'. Your message will then appear when anyone does a Twitter search for '#Homeopathyhour'. 5. CONVERSE. To join in a conversation, just click 'reply' and get tweeting. Or, if you think a tweet will be interesting to your followers, then retweet it. Others may retweet your messages to their followers too. 6. USE CONTACTS. To chat with someone in particular, make sure your tweet includes their Twitter name (e.g. @Twittername). 7. SOCIAL NETWORKING. In order to get the most out of #Homeopathyhour, you can talk (well, tweet) with other people. If you're not feeling confident enough to start a thread of your own, join in a conversation that someone else has started. 8. FAST AND FURIOUS. Sometimes #Homeopathyhour can be a little overwhelming at first, especially if you try to keep up with every single tweet and follow every conversation but, the tweets don't go anywhere so you can always come back to the Twittersearch at a later date and read through any that you've missed. 9. TOP TIP. If you want to come back to a particular tweet or contact a particular tweeter later, you can always 'favourite' their tweet so you can find it again easily. #Homeopathyhour is currently on twitter Mondays 8pm-9pm BST. Please come and join in – just search #homopathyhour to join the conversation. Our intention is for it to be a respectful space where homeopaths can get together. Do feel free to block or report as spam any tweets/tweeters that are offensive to the discussions that you are having. I saw a wonderful client today whose story I'd shared a while ago - she was my amazing headache client who was 180+ tablets down a month. Today within a few moments of the consultation she told me she couldn't remember the last time she'd had a headache. They just weren't an issue anymore. I later asked for her to write a few words that I could share so here's her story in her words:
'5 months ago a friend asked me to make an appointment with Emma to try & help with my daily headache problem. But, I'd always had headaches & I was resigned to it being my lot in life, in fact, I'd been told many years before by my GP that I just had to learn to live with them. So, in a very negative frame of mind I booked my first session. 2 hours, no way, it would all be over in 20 minutes & I'd be on my way home. Then, I met Emma. 20 minutes turned into the allotted 2 hours & things had been shared that I never thought I would be able to discuss with anyone, ever. I left the first meeting feeling lighter & just a tiny bit optimistic. Over the last 5 months I've been on a journey, with Emma guiding me along the way. When my headaches were down to 2 or 3 a week I was very excited and happy, but Emma wasn't ... we were going for zero tolerance ... and with trust, chat & lots & lots of laughter we have finally got there!!' So that's it in a nutshell. 5 appointments, 1 remedy, a few repeats of that remedy and there we have it. No headaches. I really love my job. I love it when it's hard, love it when it's crazy, busy, filled with people and absolutely love it today. ![]() I thought that I'd use the fact that the Homeopathy Worked for Me facebook page is rapidly approaching 25,000 fans to inspire a few facts about homeopathy and share these here. One fact for every 1k fans of the page. 1. Homeopathy has been used in the UK for over two hundred years. 2. Hippocrates, acclaimed as the father of modern medicine and honoured by doctors in the ‘Hippocratic Oath’, was the first to suggest that a person’s own healing ability was vital in choosing the right cure for an ailment. 3. The founder of modern homeopathy was the 18th century German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann. 4. Hahnemann was a child prodigy: he was teaching Greek by the age of 12, and had mastered eight languages by the time he started to study medicine at the age of 20. 5. Hahnemann was so appalled by the practices of his day that he set out to find a healing approach that was safe, gentle and effective. 6. Hahnemann believed that rather than trying to suppress symptoms, the body should be stimulated to encourage its natural healing process. 7. The word ‘Homeopathy’ is from the Greek homœo (meaning similar) and pathos (meaning suffering). 8. Homeopathy was originally spelt Homœopathy. 9. In the 1800’s practitioners and supporters of homeopathy were called ‘homœopathists’. 10. Homeopathy is based on three principles. 11. The first principle is ‘like cures like’. Something that in large doses creates the symptoms of a disease, will, in small doses, cure it. This is similar to the theory behind vaccines. Aristotle (384 - 322B.C.) knew the principle as well, and wrote, “Often the simile acts upon the simile.” 12. The second principle is extreme dilution which enhances the medicine’s healing properties and eliminates undesirable side-effects along the way. 13. The third principle is that the whole person must be taken into consideration when choosing a remedy. 14. Most high street chemists and whole-food shops now stock a limited range of frequently used homeopathic remedies (in the 6C or 30C potencies). 15. A homeopathic pharmacy will make up a wide selection of homeopathic remedies available in different forms, including soft tablets, which are easier to give to children. 16. It is suitable for children as well as adults. 17. Homeopathy can also be used on animals under the control of a vet. 18. Celebrities such as Paul McCartney, David Beckham, Twiggy, Caprice, Susan Hampshire, Tina Turner, Louise Jameson, Gaby Roslin, Jude Law, Sadie Frost, Nadia Sawalha, Jennifer Aniston, Jade Jagger, Roger Daltry, Annabel Croft and Meera Syal reportedly use homeopathy. 19. The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1830 and there has always been a Royal Homeopathic Doctor. 20. The Royal Homeopathic doctor is currently Dr Peter Fisher. 21. Homeopathic Practitioners train for 4 years in Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Pathology and Disease, Materia Medica, Homeopathic Philosophy and study of the Homeopathic Repertory. 22. Initial homeopathic consultations last between one and two hours and your homeopath will ask questions about your physical, mental and emotional health, lifestyle, preferences and fears. Your responses will help classify your symptoms and determine the remedy for you. 23. In December 2009, Mintel published research on complementary medicines which showed that public interest in the UK was growing. Over-the-counter homeopathic treatments, such as arnica cream are expected to grow in sales by 29% by 2014 in addition to 23% growth 2004-2009. 24. Almost every pharmacy in Germany and France (20,000) stocks homeopathic remedies. 25. In India, alternative treatments, including homeopathy, are well established and integrated into the healthcare system, with 94 per cent of people saying that they have faith in alternative remedies. It's probably apparent (and if not I'm definitely doing something wrong), my love for homeopathy. If you've experienced good effects then it would be wonderful if you'd share your story so we can help others too. The Find a Homeopath website is collecting testimonials so please pop over and fill in the simple form so we can reach further and help more people. With big thanks, Em And big thanks too to Nelson's pharmacy who've compiled a wonderful list of 150 facts, many of which I've used here. Head over and read the extended version on their website. ![]() Most of my clients come to me having heard about me from someone else. The word of mouth option. Yes, I do lots of marketing, update the website frequently - and people do find me through these routes, but the majority of new people come to me as they've been recommended me by someone who's done well through the sessions. Or their child has improved significantly and they think they'll come too. People love to know what works for someone else, and equally love to tell you what helped them. And so I think that the Find a Homeopath website is particularly great in that it gives people an option both to share their good news stories and to read about what has worked for others people. It's a brilliant place to have a say - and it would be great if you'd share your story. It's just here: and only takes a moment to complete the short sections. For homeopaths, these stories are valuable, for the public, who may have thought there was no other option for their dis-ease - they can be more than valuable. They can change lives. I can't imagine how it would be for me struggling through with migraine after migraine. As a patient said to me recently 'my Doctor told me that there were some people who just got headaches and I was one of those'. It's wonderful to see that after a lifetime of chronic headaches, she knows that she no longer has to be 'one of those people' and there are options out there. If you've a story to tell please share it. It could help someone just like you. Many, many thanks, Em x PS Just click here! I was lucky enough to be able to spend some time with my Grandma today, in between a mindfulness peer support session and a Skype homeopathy appointment. Just to slow down for a bit was a luxury this week - it's been and is being a great week and very busy along with lots of lovely times. But what I really noticed was the stuff. And really the stuff that doesn't matter, the clutter that we accumulate, with no intent or need. It really set me to thinking about what's important in life, the people around me, the experiences. The empty jewellry boxes not so much. The relationships, the loves, the joys, the constant gifts that are unseen. And so I desire to slow down again from time to time, to really take in the moment. It's all there is right now and moving onto the next task with a burning desire to get it done and out of the way is dissolving the potency of this moment. So cuddle, love, laugh, be filled with joy. And don't sweat the small stuff. Easier said than done sometimes. But there is help out there should you need it. Homeopathy, I believe, can be one of the most potent ways of coming into the moment, into the here and now and being able to leave the past and the future out of it more. A well prescribed remedy, Jeremy (Sherr) used to tell us, can bring us out of the there and then and into the here and now. I don't think there is much out there to rival it in it's beauty and grace.
Mindfulness too, can be used, in one to one sessions, as a self taught activity and can create much more presence in the present moment, enabling us to sleep better, experience less anxiety and generally be happier. Like homeopathy, it can be used to great effect with both children and adults. Sending love and light, Em x As we all countdown towards Christmas I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for a wonderful festive season and brilliant start to the New Year.
It's great to be at this place, this pivot between the old year and the next, allowing room for reflection on what we want to attract to our lives for the next year ahead and beyond, and wonderful to be able to appreciate the gifts of the year nearly gone. For me 2013 has been on the whole a fantastic year with lots of learning opportunities, room for growth and a whole lot of fun. I want to thank everyone who's supported me on that journey and love being able to be there for others on their own paths towards health and fitness. With love and light - here's to healthy and harmonious times, Em x The hayfever season may seem like a long way off. It's not yet been the darkest day. Still, I believe that the best way to treat hayfever is by prescribing on the biggest possible picture, giving the remedy that matches the person as a whole and allowing time for this to work. Whether that be as a catalyst, enabling the body to begin to heal itself, allowing the immune system to repair and mend or however it works. The fact is it works. And starting treatment during the winter allows time for this mending, this healing to happen. My belief isn't that the homeopathy itself is healing. I don't believe anything heals except for our own bodies. I do think though that we get stuck, unable to mend due to a block, a repeating pattern we get stuck in, and sometimes this needs a little help, a nudge, a catalyst, to be able to get on and do it's own thing healthily again. Which I believe homeopathy is able to assist with. I see it happen time and time again. Too many times to be luck, placebo, or all the other things we get thrown at us. Anyway back to hayfever. Many people have their introduction to homeopathy through effective acute hayfever prescriptions and are blown away by the rapidity of response to the remedies. Acute prescribing is great and can cut down the need for hayfever meds. Sometimes it may be all someone needs. Usually my feeling is that they may need to repeat the acute prescribing, and the hayfever may be likely to return as it's not been addressed on a deeper level. Which is where winter comes in. Now, or January/February time is a great time to get going - to look at the bigger picture, the who someone is as a person and find a remedy to suit them as a whole person, instead of merely isolated symptoms. So give me a shout if you've any questions, or if you'd like to book in to address any issues. I'm happy to be working from the lovely Studio Pilates now on Tuesdays, from home on Wednesdays and from Craven Clinic on Thursday and Saturdays. And usually can be found with my head stuck into a book studying or appreciating the great outdoors (or both at the same time in summer) Mondays and Fridays (although I can be persuaded to work if people really can't fit into the other days)!
![]() 1st December. World AIDS Day since 1991 when a group of 12 individuals brainstormed and came up with a simple idea. The red ribbon bow - a symbol of passion, a heart and love. 12 artists. One huge movement. I was thinking this morning about how many of us can feel too small to do anything worthwhile. And so we do nothing. But how about the flip side - do something even though it may amount to nothing? How about giving the big issue seller a spare £1 even if you haven't time to read the magazine? Or 'dropping' a couple of 20ps on a street to be discovered by excited children. A kind word to someone you've never met before? My daughter has complimented a train conductor on his tie and it was lovely to watch his face light up. A tiny act that can do so much. So today being World AIDS Day I'd love to suggest, well I'm going to suggest, that you help out a small but powerful organisation, working with tiny doses of life changing medicine. Life saving, life changing, status altering medication. I was so heartened to read the following from co-founder of Homeopathy for Health in Africa just recently: 'Aids prostitute for 15 years and a patient of ours since 2010, she just phoned me with the news that she has gone negative!! My weekend is fixed. And probably next week too — feeling wonderful.' Working against huge disadvantages, Jeremy and Camilla Sherr and their team of volunteers in Tanzania are doing phenomenal work. We as homeopaths, I believe, have a duty to get behind them and support it. The boundaries of possibilities are being tested and pushed back and a new day is dawning. Donations can be one offs, monthly direct debits, gifts are available to purchase for elements of the project, our fabulous 2014 calendar is available to brighten up your months with some gorgeous calendar girls (and guys). Even if you just sponsor us £1 right now for our Santa Fun Run we're about to head out and do (you can do this by texting RYJQ35 £2/£5/£10 or other required amount to 70070 or online here) then we'd love it. It's so easy to make a little difference. Or not to. Thank you, With love and gratitude, Em x |
AuthorI'm a Homeopath working in the Skipton (North Yorkshire) area. I am also able to offer food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and advice around diet and lifestyle. |
07734 861297
[email protected] Em Colley Homeopath Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience Laughter Yoga Leader Focussed Mindfulness Practitioner |